Wednesday, 27 May 2015


Let me ask you a question: How much do you earn in a month? in a year? Now, how much do you want to earn? If you’re on Point A (my earnings now) to Point B (my projected earnings), you have to find a way to connect the gap. Ugh, these are the type of thoughts we try to avoid as it requires a massive cerebral exercise. Surprise! Whether we think about it or not – we will still face the fruits of our action (or inaction).

Admittedly, there was a time I procrastinated. It was a long hiatus, actually. However, when I felt that I’m ready to test the waters, I’ve read about stock investing enough for me to make sense out of it. Don’t get me wrong… there are other ways of earning. Start a business, opt for higher pay, etc. but this post leans toward stock market investing.

Say, you feel that investing is for you. You’ve opened an online brokerage account, funded it and now what? I don’t know about you but I don’t want to look at annual reports, let alone try to analyze graphs or things like that. So I figured out some ways:

It’s right under our nose! I use COL Financial as my online brokerage account and when you click on Investment Guide > Investment PDF, tada! Problem solved! On that PDF, you can see which stocks to BUY and at how much. You can leave alone the others details and digest them whenever you feel you can. I suggest that don’t lump your entire fund, always be prudent. Anyways, as you go along, you’ll get a feel on things. You’ll do fine! This guide is free for COL users.

First things first. This is not a sponsored post and I don’t have a link where I can get a commission with each click or something like that. Sharing is caring, that’s all :) Brushing that aside, I personally subscribed in Bo Sanchez TRC because of one reason: it’s mighty convenient. You’ll receive a buy at this price alert and sell at this price alert. Easy peasy. There are good materials that come with his monthly emails too. There’s a catch though, subscription fee starts from Php 500 or so.
Say what? I mean, look around… for real! If you want to know which stocks are in for the long haul, look at household and consumer staples. The likes of PLDT, MERALCO, PUREGOLD, URC (think Piattos), JOLIBBEE, MAXS, SM, AYALA CORP, etc. are here to stay. They’ve been here for so many years so, chances are, they’ll be part of the Philippine market moving forward.

It all boils down to an age-old mantra: if there’s a will, there’s a way! Whether paid or free, if you’ve decided to invest... there will always be tricks to work around that. Lastly, get started. It’s never too late. Read this related post: HERE. - CMK

*Picture (Source)


  1. Hi Ma'am pareho tayo ng broker and pina-follow pagdating sa idea ng stock market. I learned about stock from Bo Sanchez's book My Maid invests in the stock market.

  2. Magsesend palang diN po aq ng application form ko ngayon sa col. Papa scan ko plang. I see investing as life .. in the future... sana nuon ko p to gnawa eh. Diko lng kasi mhnap non..

  3. Nagtitingin din ako ng Investment Guide ng COL Financial. Pati COL Calling the Shots where they review a particular company. It's true that you have to invest in solid companies so you can lessen your risks in investing. :)

  4. Ang bilis ng processing ng col. Grabe. Im loving it. Ahead sa time na cnb. I just bought my first stock! Yey!


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