It occurred to me that this balanced life series brings so much feels as I blog about it! It's a mixture of happy and sad situation but hey that's it. LIFE! If you want to see the 'prelude', feel free to click on THIS post.
"Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.
They somehow know what you truly want to become." -Steve Jobs
The name said it all. We better take it as these 18 words came from the mouth of a game changer! Little did I know that the roads and decisions I've made before led me to where I am today. I thank GOD for guiding me every step of the way. It's not easy, there are lot of times I'm asking whether I took the right road but I'm glad I stepped out of the norm.
A little background. I took up BS Accountancy and by the grace of God, graduated with honors. I was secretly vying for one of the top places in CPA board exam but I didn't make it on any. That's okay, I self-consoled. I got invites from well-known auditing firms and inevitably joined one of the Big 5.
Whilst in the firm - I was happy because of my friends and prestige that comes along with being a practicing CPA, however, I am sure that this is not what I am cut out to do. Sure, everybody expects me to be like this and that but they're not me. And one fateful day, I found myself in a career crossroad.
I was 24-ish then, when I mustered up the courage to join another industry. It's a thin thread between a BPO and call center (hence the graveyard shift) but I did bite the bullet. It was tough, specially during those times. I heard someone close to me getting all shocked why I did that but I just can't continue being somebody I'm not for the rest of my life.
It was quite an adjustment since, yes, I was answering calls and doing mundane stuff way back then but guess what?! I am more myself here rather than being in the other career. To be fair, it's an accounting software. One way lead to another. I was transferred to the UK shift, I resigned and did some consultancy post and 3 years after... autumn of 2011, I found myself traveling to Prague, Czech Republic as a consultant for the same software.
Of course, there are people whom I am forever indebted to. I always thank God for His mercies are new every morning. These days, I'm working as a consultant in London, United Kingdom and I don't have any logical reason on why all these had happened. All I know is that GOD has good plans for each of us. We just have to trust Him even if things don't make sense now.
I think it would be best to leave you with some of my favourite quotes from Steve Jobs. Enjoy! :)
When somebody imposes things on you...

When things don't make sense...

On decisions in life...

That's it for now! :) -CMK
I luv this post.. :-)