It's been 3 years since I last bought a camera, and for like 2 months or so I've been contemplating on what model should I buy. The brand's decided upon, hands down. It's always been Canon as they undoubtedly produce the best quality pictures {for me, personally}. Thanks to the power of online reviews that I came up with a unanimous decision, G7X, people! This is da bomb! Disclaimer: I took these pictures using iPhone 5S, FYI.
I bought mine at Glorietta, Makati for Php 31,000 (about £450). The model's not easy to find as most of the shops either ran out of stock or is not carrying the model. Most youtubers swear by this product and I'll rave more on that later. You know what? I've been thinking of transitioning to youtube but I'm mortified by haters. I just don't think I can handle it :D Anyways, I feel that's still a long time coming. We'll see.

I think this one is worth every penny because of the following reasons:
Super portable. That's my deal breaker when I was thinking about getting a DSLR, it's not sustainable. I don't want to carry it around if it's bulky. Think of airplane rides, travel or even food blogs - I couldn't be bothered having another bag just for that. #LazyBunny, IKR. With this - it can fit to my tiny Zara bag. I love it!
Flip-flop screen. Common, now! How cool is that?! You can now do videos and selfies without mirrors! This comes super handy when you're going to new places. It's just so exciting! PS: Did you notice a sudden surge of my #BEAUTYRAVES series? Yes, this is the culprit ;)
Wifi Enabled. No more waiting for you to get home and attach your USB to transfer files! You can transfer your goodies from the cam to your iPad or iPhone. If I may add, the packaging doesn't include CD installer which I appreciate so much (since, well, I don't use them) Convenience at its finest.
Picture and video quality. I am always low maintenance when it comes to resolution. However, the difference is so stark compared to Canon Digital IXUS 300 HS. Again, pictures here are not a good example since these were taken using my trusty iPhone 5S :D

The battery life is so-so for me. Also, I'm still learning the ropes about the settings, et al. It's not a biggie, really. The positive far outweighs the negative for this baby.

Canon is and will always be my go-to brand for cameras. Unless, Apple will release their own camera line? Speaking of... my MAC BOOK AIR has turned one year old! Check out my unboxing HERE. -CMK
Ganda!!! :) Hope you do YouTube! I also want to do it, but maybe in the future. Hihihi
ReplyDeleteThanks Juvy! Aww, I wish I could muster up the courage... :D True, maybe soon? Heheh!