One of the spaces I adore but does not use as much is my desk area. It looks lovely to look at but if I'll be honest, I spent most of the time in the couch or in bed. Also, I do have a projector (in place of a telly) and the white canvass above my desk serves as the screen (making it less likely for me to use the area). However, when I have to do some serious blogging and thinking, this is the place to be. Let's start with the big ones. I bought the white desk (£59.00) and the Eiffel chair (£19.00) from Amazon. Heads up that both of them have to be assembled(!) I am so happy to say that I assembled the chair by myself but the desk is ooh-wee... my powers cannot handle that! Thanks to Gab because he put it together for me. Quick review: The desk is nice and I love it but there was an issue with one drawer handle. The vendor has refunded me for like £20.00 and asked me kindly to just buy the drawer handle. As I was about to buy one, Gab did some of his magic when he visited me one day and I just saw the fixed handle in all its silver glory!
Let's get up close and personal. The notes folder is too cute! I got it from TK Maxx for £6.00. It has a big notepad inside but I plan to print some A4 monthly calendar and clip it on top some time soon. The white and rose gold gadget is a photo printer from HP (I posted a detailed review HERE). Swan tape dispenser (£1.00), white canvass board, push pins and letter K are from Tiger. Coloured pens are from Waterstones and the mason jar was a gift. Book was from Amazon.
Other stuff on the desk are: Macbook Pro 2016. Brown suede A6 blank notebook (Amazon). Pink and gold list notepad (Bentalls, Kingston). Fig room spray (Marks & Spencer's). Mug (Gift Shop at Eiffel Tower). Water bottle with lemon holder from TK Maxx. Silver LED lamp (Gab's). Cork coasters (streets of Paris). Books on the lower side: Deliciously Ella, Lean 15, Humans of London and Bloom. Red bag is from Fiorelli. I like the fact that it's white and fresh. It's also big enough if you're doing some paperworks or what have you's. The chair is not the most comfortable but it serves its purpose. I may buy a fur rag from IKEA soon and put that as a cushion. Chances are, this arrangement won't last for long. There'll be a major change coming up so I took this as an opportunity to immortalise the whole setup and appreciate it whilst it's still around. What do you like most about your desk? -CMK
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