Lately, I noticed that I am oozing with creative ideas. I feel good about it, get starry eyed on its potential, try to create a mental list on how to achieve the goal and then this thing happen: I put it at the back of my mind. A bit wasteful, isn't it? This is one of the things I like to improve on especially this coming year. Now, I'm not talking about leaving your job and put everything aside just so you can do what excites you the most. What I mean is allocating a time intentionally to honour and think about the idea and don't let it drift buy. I've been eyeing on Elizabeth Gilbert's Big Magic. I think this book is exactly what I need!
Getting excited over something every morning is rightfully included on Maslow's hierarchy of needs. If you're not looking forward to what life has to offer, that's a very grim and sad existence. Our time above this earth is finite and each time I get bored I slap (metaphorically, of course) and remind myself that life is so beautiful. Here are some inspirations to get your creative juice flowing:
a. spend time with people (talk about your dream no matter how ludicrous you think they are)
b. create something (it can be an article, an app, a bullet journal, etc.)
c. think about what you are doing that you feel happiest the most?
d. instead of buying things, buy experiences
e. break your goal to bite size tasks and set a deadline on each
More often than not, a walk or a cup of coffee without digital distraction is all it takes to rekindle this part of us that wants to produce rather than consume. Like breathing, we need to breathe out as much as we breathe in. -CMK
Getting excited over something every morning is rightfully included on Maslow's hierarchy of needs. If you're not looking forward to what life has to offer, that's a very grim and sad existence. Our time above this earth is finite and each time I get bored I slap (metaphorically, of course) and remind myself that life is so beautiful. Here are some inspirations to get your creative juice flowing:
a. spend time with people (talk about your dream no matter how ludicrous you think they are)
b. create something (it can be an article, an app, a bullet journal, etc.)
c. think about what you are doing that you feel happiest the most?
d. instead of buying things, buy experiences
e. break your goal to bite size tasks and set a deadline on each
More often than not, a walk or a cup of coffee without digital distraction is all it takes to rekindle this part of us that wants to produce rather than consume. Like breathing, we need to breathe out as much as we breathe in. -CMK
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