This is the time of year where everything springs into action, including you and your home. It’s the time where we roll up our sleeves and take care of the tasks that need our action before we can relax in the garden. Our homes and garden can get a little neglected on the maintenance side of things during the cooler months, so it’s time to take action.

Let’s have a look at some of the areas that you should add to your list:
Get The Windows Open
With the weather warming up, it’s the perfect time to let in some fresh air without it feeling nippy. Get all the windows open and allow the air to freely run through your home. Give your sills and windows a clean.
Service The AC
With summer on the way, you are going to want to make sure your air conditioning is working properly. Make sure you have a number for 24 Hour AC Repair for those just in case moments when you need it the most.
Check Your Basement And Attic
It’s a good idea to head into your basement and attic and check for any signs of moisture, It can lead to further trouble if things like dampness, leaks, mold, and stains aren’t spotted for years. At the same time, you can look for signs of unwanted pests too. With this in mind, sites like offer useful articles illustrating the best ways to keep your home pest-free.
Reprogram Your Thermostat
You will find that you need your heating on less and less as the weather warms up, you may not use it at all during the summer, so make sure you reprogram your thermostat and save as much energy as possible. A thermostat that isn’t altered is only wasting money.
Clean Your Gutters
Repair Cracks In Paving
Have a look at your driveway, walkways, and other paved areas if your outside space, and make note of any cracks. Cracks are better off being dealt with as quickly as possible as if they are left they can lead to further damage and a more expensive fix.
Repair And Reseal Woodwork
Trellises, fences, decking, furniture, and other wood feature need some attention too. If these are left for too long they are prone to decay and rot. If you have any damages make sure you fix these asap and replace anything that can’t be easily repaired. Once you have repaired any damages and cleaned them over make sure you treat them with water-resistant paint or varnish.
Tackle Your Lawn And Plan Landscaping
It’s that time again, time to mow your lawn regularly. It’s also time to think about feeding it to ensure that it is green and healthy. If you don’t want to be doing any major work to your garden in the summer, you should really start planning and starting any landscaping now too.
This list should help you to get started with spring tasks to get completed in your home. What are you adding to your list? Please share some in the comments below.
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